/ Data protection changes at nic.at

/ nic.at News - 17.05.2018 12:26
Data protection changes at nic.at
Due to the GDPR nic.at has undertaken changes in the Whois policy as well as the registration and management of .at-domains and has published all necessary data protection information. These are the most important points:
1) New Whois policy
Under the new Whois policy, data of natural persons are not published any longer, the Whois data shown for domains owned by natural persons only includes the domain name, the registrar responsible and necessary technical information. Data of legal persons are still published as before, also natural persons can request the publication of their data.
2) New Terms and Registration Guidelines
Following this policy, new terms and registration guidelines were necessary for .at-domains. The new versions are valid as per May 16, 2018.
3) Privacy policy
All information specifying how much of your data is recorded at nic.at, for which purpuse, on which legal basis and how to claim your data protection rights can be found in our privacy policy.
4) Check of data accuracy by domain holder
Domain holders can at any time request their current Whois-data online by using the web form „motivated request“. They can also ask for their domain certificate (featuring only the domain holder’s name and address) to be sent to their e-mail address with an online form.
5) Information on private domain holders data to third parties
Only people who provide proof of identity and are able to prove a legitimate interest for finding out who the domain holder is, will get information on private domain holders’ data. This can be law enforcement agencies, lawyers or people who contact nic.at following domain disputes and who can prove that their rights have been infringed. They have to start a webform request with defined obligations for supporting documents on this webform.
6) Abolishment of admin-c
As the admin-c never had any legal function in the administration of .at-domains, it is abolished as per May 16, 2018.